Sample Menu: $80 per Week for a Family of Four

I was asked to help create a one-week sample menu for a military family who is trying to live on their food military subsistence of $324 per month. The family has 2 adults, one toddler and one infant. That equates to $81 per week for this family's food budget.

My method of shopping is not coupon based, but rather is sale-based. I tell people to take the items on sale and then make a menu based around the sale items.

That is what I did for this family. I took the sale items at two stores (King Soopers and Albertsons) in my area (Colorado Springs) and made them a sample menu for their family using only their military food subsistence. Below is that menu and shopping list.

NOTES: This is a menu for 2 adults, 1 toddler and an infant
The infant food can be made from these meals by
    cooking the food (without spices) and put in blender with some
     liquid and blend then pour into ice cube trays and freeze. Each cube is a meal. 
TOTAL $80 for one week
on 10.24.10
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
BREAKFAST (3) cereal 1.47   cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal
LUNCH (2) Totino pizza 1.00 (1) tombstone 0.00   Totino meat sandwich mac n cheese hot dog mac n cheese tombstone
(1) hot dog 1.00 (1) Kraft mac 3.99/5   orange grape canned fruit orange grape canned fruit
(2) Budwig meat 0.69  
SNACK (1) Oroville popcorn 2.79   popcorn apples oranges popcorn apples oranges
  (1) Yoplait 5.00/10   Yoplait Yoplait Yoplait Yoplait Yoplait
MEAT (2) diced pork 1.79 (3) chicken breast 1.88   Tossed salad: chicken fajita-pork chicken rib roast chicken
2.5 people=1 lb. (2) rib roast 1.99   diced pork
meat per meal   avocado
PRODUCE (3) apples 2.99 (2) broccoli .69   tomato broccoli salad broccoli salad broccoli
(2) salad mix 1:1 (1) tomato .99  
(1) avocado 1.00   canned fruit grapes canned fruit orange canned fruit grapes
(4) canned fruit 1.00  
(2) grapes 1.49  
(3) oranges 1.00  
SIDE DISH (3) crescent rolls 1.00 (1) egg noodles 1.49   crescent roll rice a roni noodles crescent roll noodles crescent roll
DESSERT fruit served with dinner + (1) Breyers ice cream 1/2 gl. 2.5  
BEVERAGE (3) milk 2.79/gl   2 cups per day per person=3 gl Drink water instead of juices, soda, etc.
  Calcium is also coming from Yoplait and broccoli
bell pepper 1.01  
onion 0.25  
bread 0.99  
hot dog bun 0.69  
(2) Rice a roni 1.89